@ Welwyn Garden City. It was a very long day having entered the theatre at 8am and leaving 11 hours later, However success was on the horizon as we won not one, not two but three awards Whoop! Whoop! Well done Buckhurst Hill & Woodford School of Dancing.
Hanna dancing Prospero, Imogen dancing Misled Night Wanderer, Emily dancing Ariel and coming 3rd all performing solos
Daisy, Emelia, Imogen and Victoria danced Season Fairies. Then our groups who qualified ‘The Fairground’ came 3rd, ‘Herald of Spring’ (Thank you Hanna who learnt the part of Persephone in only two lessons) and ‘To Demeter’.
However the highlight of our very long day was The Majestic Beauty of Cosmos winning three awards. Winning the ‘Choreography’ Shield, the ‘Best Costumed Group’ well done to Sonia as they did look stunning on the stage and then being awarded ‘The Most Memorable Group’ of the day. We all came home on an absolute ‘high’ well done to you all. Special thanks must go to Grace who stepped in to replace poor Charlotte who was not well. Thank you to the parents too who have tirelessly driven you to every rehearsal too. All those missed parties, sports fixtures and lie in’s were worth it!